Information and images on this page originate at the National Institute of Standards and Technology High Pressure BioSANS page.
Instrument Overview
SANS for Extreme BioPhysics provides:
- No radiation damage
- No size or concentration limit
- High contrast between components
See the NIST BioSANS website for more information.
Instrument specifications are as follows:
- Pressure range (MPa): 0.1 - 350 (ambient to 3.5 kbar)
- Temperature range (°C): -20 to +65 (higher temperatures possible§)
- Sample volume (mL): 2 to 5
- Typical sample concentration: 5 mg/mL or higher (depends on contrast§)
- Can I recover my sample? Yes, typical recovery of ~2/3 of the volume
- Sample thickness (mm): 1 to 5 (neutron path length across the sample solution)
- Q range (Å-1): 0.003 to 0.3 (SANS); 0.0001 to 0.003 (USANS BT5 instrument)
- Type of samples: Liquid (solutions or stable suspensions)
- Real space distances: ~30 Å up to ~6 µm (depends on resolution and contrast§)
- Training required? Yes, please contact S. Teixeira or J. Leão to arrange for training in advance.
Visit the NIST website for further information.
How to Obtain Access
Please contact Susana Teixeira to inquire about instrument access.
Details can be found at our website.
Principal Investigator
Susan Teixeira NIST, USA